Hi all
I have just spent the last 4 days in the 'War Room' without stepping foot outside and no social interaction, man I need a shave!
Well I fancied a new website, the old Enzo Mucci was looking shabby so I made this one instead, it is work in progress and has a few typos at the moment and missing links but take a look and let me know if it initially looks ok.
I have spent too long looking at it so I'm getting obsessed over the millimetres, first stages of insanity a certainly creeping in.
It’s time for a break, and some food, and a shower, and.....well other stuff ;-)
I would be SO GRATEFUL if you could take a look, it's just the structure but gives me a nice base to start from.
You can view it by clicking here – www.enzomuccicoaching.com
I hope your January is still on track so to speak.
Chat soon and thank you in advance. Enzo