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SPONSORSHIP UPDATE: Recording Has Started

Just a quick message to say that recording has started for the brand new sponsorship audio product that will be launching this year.

The program has virtually been written out in book format, more interviews are about to take place with sponsorship experts so now I have the green light for begin recording and playing with it all.

Time to practice talking again, its studio time! (Thank you to Absolute Music in Poole for the fantastic studio).

Over this weekend I will be recording Part 1 of the program which contains the following:

1) The intro (obviously)

2) The explanation of how to get sponsorship in the modern motorsport world and how different the sponsorship game is now compared to 5, 10 years ago.

3) The approach you need to take now

4) How to become a RacEntrepreneur

5) How to form the foundations for your campaign and set up your new sponsorship quest

This part alone will seriously put you on a different level to most drivers.

I Cannot Wait

Ah I cannot wait for you to see and hear what this program has within it, you will need shooting if you can't find sponsorship after using the strategies that we have modelled from successful sponsorship hunters in and out of our sport.

When I started writing this last year (in fact I have been preparing it for years now) I had no idea just how deep we could go and how simple we can make it for drivers to turn themselves into the RacEntrepreneurs that they need to be nowadays in order to survive in this sport.

This is the first time I will be launching an extensive audio program since the Race Driver Boot Camp, wow it has been 10 years already, it's about time.

The Launch

I aim to launch the full product in the middle of this year, depending on editing, final interviews and the creation of the website that will accompany the product.

If you haven't registered to win your free copy then get yourself over to and enter your name into the hat.

I will keep in touch with any updates.

Ciao for now!

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